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St John's P.S Gilford

Jude Hill P.7 stars in ‘Belfast'

31st Aug 2021

Have a read at these amazing write up’s for Kenneth Branagh’s latest film ‘Belfast’ staring our very own P.7 pupil, Jude Hill, who plays an 8 year old version of Branagh himself. 

We are so immensely proud of Jude who has received excellent credit for his acting by Kenneth himself……….

we found a boy whose talent was ready to blossom but who was still enjoying himself as an ordinary kid. Playing football was as important to him as making the film and that’s what we wanted. At the same time, he was always very serious about the work, very prepared and very open. I was asking for a curious combination – I wanted him to just be himself and I also wanted him to be able to make all the tiny performance adjustments that I was also asking for. And he really delivered. He has an extraordinary openness and is so natural in front of the camera that it was sometimes hard to believe this is his first film.’

We are very much looking forward to seeing the movie (and Jude) on the big screen later in the year!

Click on the links below to read more:


Kenneth Branagh gets personal with Belfast