Access Keys:

St John's P.S Gilford

Accessing Accelerated Reading from Home

7th Jan 2021

Information for Accessing Accelerated Reading for P4-P7 Pupils

  1. Go to
  2. Click I am a student
  3. Enter individual pupil username and password (details provided in your child’s homework pack)
  4. After entering username and password click Log in.
  5. Click ACCELERATED READER button.
  6. Find a Book – type in name of book you have read. Example: Billionaire Boy then click Search
  7. Click Take the Quiz
  8. Click I read by myself
  9. Click Start quiz

Please Note:

If the book is not found whenever you search, then a quiz has not yet been made available for Accelerated Reading.

Accelerated Reader enables your child to continue to read a selection of books and to take comprehension quizzes on these books. Pupils will continue to earn points towards meeting their individual targets and their reading progress can continue. Some books will also have a vocabulary quiz attached in addition to the comprehension quiz. Encourage your child to complete both. Once your child has logged on there is also a range of non-fiction articles available on Accelerated Reader at your child’s reading level.

Times have been extended to allow pupils to take a quiz every day (including weekends) between the hours of 8.30am – 7.00pm.